Monday, March 17, 2014

I'm stuck..

There's a pickle that I've run into and it's that I have no idea what to write about. I feel like any creativity that exists in my brain has been blocked up by all the stress...IDEA
GENIUS HOUR IS GOING TO HELP ME DE-STRESS MYSELF BEFORE I decease or something...You know. Because that can happen. And I just go threatened by a fortune cookie the other night.

"It is the quality, not the longevity, of ones life that is important."(I had that in my pocket, I didn't memorize that)

Well guess what fortune cookie I'm going to have it all! Quality AND longevity! Whoop!

Okay, so I guess I'm going to work on finding ways to de-stress and live a happier and healthier existence.

Why will this be useful?

It's good to be able to calm down and not be so AHHHH about everything being just one way or no way at all. Especially with the whole I'm about to find out if I got into my dream school's stage management program or not ..I've gotten the whole accepting if I get accepted thing down. But what if I don't? I'm not emotionally prepared for failure either and going into meltdown mode is probably not the best of decisions because college. Trying to come up with a back up plan  in case I can't get in to the program or don't end up going to college for various reasons. Its just knowing that that's what you have to do and I'll feel...stupid if I don't go to college. Need to be more content in the knowledge that things happen as they happen and it's going to be okay and life is perfect as it is...

Don't mind my rambling on things bother you. Just all the speech and inner monologue going on all the time...all the time..


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