Monday, January 13, 2014

Today I have learned about basic stitching techniques.

There's this thing called a back stitch which you have to do an extra stitch backwards on each end of the seam.

Always press your fabric for neater results.

DO NOT SEW OVER STRAIGHT PINS because it could ruin a) your needle and b) the pin itself also it will throw off your line of stitching.

Learned that Shiloh is awesome and letting me use some unused fabric of hers to create my lovely narwhal. (Ahh the narwhal!!)

Heavy duty materials are good for stuffed animals that will receive a lot of love(this narwhal will be well loved).

You have to sew things inside out and then turn them right again which is w hacky but also kind of cool and makes sense. Beneficial because you can't see the line of stitching just the cuddly outside part, no gross sewing seams here.

Basically today was just a day of learning how best to create my narwhal. I may eventually make a pod of narwhals but for now we shall focus on one potentially rainbowtastic narwhal that I shall gift to someone in need of rainbow narwhal-ness.